Carrot Pudding

Carrots are lovely vegetable used to eat raw, or by cooking, or its juice or desserts. We  can convert the carrots into many delicious and wonderful recipes. Carrots are rich in nutrients and vitamins. Here comes a simple and healthy pudding recipe with carrot which tastes great.

Carrot Pudding

  1. Carrot: 1/2 kg
  2. Milk: 1 L
  3. Sugar:5-6 tbs(add to your taste)
  4. Cardamom: 2
  5. China-grass: 5 g
  6. Cashew : 1/2 cup
  •   Peel off and cut the carrots into small pieces.
  • Cook it in cooker with little water for 2-3 whistle
  • Soak china-grass in little water and melt it in low flame
  • Grind it into smooth puree without adding water.
  • Take a thick-bottomed pan, mix milk, carrot puree, sugar and cardamom , cook in low flame by continuous stirring till it thickens.
  • Now add melted china-grass, mix well and turnoff the flame.
  • If you don't want too thick pudding,skip the addition off china-grass.
  • Now roast cashew with little ghee and add to the pudding, mix well.
  • Refrigerate till it chills.
Delicious Carrot pudding is ready. Serve chilled.

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