Mirror Glazed Cake

Now a days Mirror Glazed cake has become more popular. We can prepare mirror Glaze easily at home and become star infront of our sweet little kids. Try this yummy and lovely recipe for a delicious cake for any occasions like birthday or any special day.

  1. Basic vanilla or chocolate cake: 1
  2. Whipping cream : 1 cup
  3. Sugar syrup: 1/2 cup
Ingredients for mirror Glaze
  1. White chocolate: 240 g
  2. Liquid glucose: 1/2 cup( or use corn syrup)
  3. Gelatin: 5 tsp
  4. Condensed milk: 1/2 cup
  5. Sugar: 1 cup
  6. Water( normal): 1/2 cup
  7. Cold water: 1/4 cup
  8. Food color: some(any color of your choice)
  • Beat whipping cream till doubles, peaky and stiff.
  • Place the cake in a tray and cut into 2 or 3 layers.
  • Place a layer of cake in a tray and spread sugar syrup all-over. While pouring sugar syrup, add little more at edges than middle part.
  • Spread a layer of whipped cream and cover it with second layer of cake.
  • Sprinkle sugar syrup and repeat the steps if you are using 3 layers.
  • Lastly cover all over the cake with a thick layer of whipped cream. Keep it in freezer for atleast 2 hours. The more we freeze, it is better as glazing mixture is little heavy. Otherwise it may break the edges while glazing. Overnight freezing is best
  • Soak gelatin in 1/4 cup cold water for 10-15 minutes.
  • Take a pan and add 1/2 cup water, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup liquid glucose and boil .
  • As liquid glucose is little thick, you can microwave for loosening to ease the addition( optional).
  • Boil till it bubbles completely by stirring.
  • Grate white chocolate in a bowl and pour hot mixture over it.
  • Mix well to melt the chocolate and add condensed milk to it.
  • Whisk well and then add soaked gelatin over it.
  • Combine everything well. You can  use hand blender or whisk for combining.
  • Allow it to cool little.
  • Mix in food color of our choice.
  • If you are using more colors, then divide according to that and mix in the colors.
  • Now take the frozen cake and place over a stand or wire rack. You can place a bowl inverted on a plate and place cake over it.
  • Pour  Glaze mixture over the cake , till it covers the cake completely.
  • Now pour other colored Glaze( if you are using) to your own designs.
  • Keep it aside till the dropping of Glaze ends.
  • Also you can use fresh fruits for decorating.
  • Now refrigerate for 2- 3 hours or till we serve.
  • Donot freeze after glazing as it may produce crack on Glaze.
Delicious Mirror Glazed Cake is ready, serve and enjoy eating.

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