Malai Cake

Malai cake is  simple cake with the flavor of thick cream. It is really awesome treat for  loved ones especially our kids. Malai cake is sweet, soft and spongy with an enriched cream flavor that surely everyone loves. Give a try on this yummy simple and quick cake recipe.

  1. Egg: 2
  2. Thick or fresh cream: 1/2 cup
  3. Butter: 40 g( room temperature)
  4. All purpose flour: 1 cup
  5. Sugar:1 cup( powdered)
  6. Vanilla essence:1 tsp
  7. Milk:1/4 cup
  8. Baking powder:1 tsp
  9. Baking soda:1/2 tsp( optional)
  10. Red food color(optional): 1 drop
  11. Almonds chopped: 1 tbs(or any dry fruits)
  • Sift mix all purpose flour, baking powder and baking soda( if using).
  • Beat in thick or fresh cream with sugar and butter till it turns creamy.
  • Now add in eggs and beat till it foams and turns creamy.
  • Now mix in milk , vanilla essence and slowly fold the flour mix into it without forming any lump.
  • If you are using color, then divide the batter into two parts and mix color in one part. otherwise use the batter as itself.
  • Grease a baking tray with butter and dust it with flour.
  • Pour the batter on the greased tray and tap it on  the table to escape its air.
  • If you are using two colors, first add  a laddle of normal batter and then colored one. repeat the steps for all batter.
  • Garnish the top with chopped almonds or any dry fruit chopped.
  • Bake it at 180 degree for 30-40 minutes or till the toothpick inserted in centre comes out clean.
  • Allow it to cool.
  • For preparing without oven follow the steps i used in Red Velvet Cake
Yummy, soft and spongy Malai Cake is ready. Slice and serve.

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