Caramelized Bread Pudding

Bread puddings are easy,  lovely and have a fantastic collection of varieties. Here comes a lovely recipe for Caramelized bread pudding similar to Caramelized egg pudding . All the ingredients are blended together and are poured to a bowl with caramelized sugar and are then steamed and refrigerated to bringout this wonderful pudding. It tastes really delicious.

Caramelized Bread Pudding

  1. Bread: 2 slice
  2. Milk: 2 cup
  3. Egg: 2
  4. Sugar: 4-5 tbs + 3 tsp for caramelize
  5. Vanilla Essence: 2 drops


  • Boil milk with sugar and allow it to cool.
  • Remove the sides of bread and dip it on milk mixture.
  • Beat eggs with a spoon and pour over bread-milk mixture.
  • Blend it using a mixer grinder and mix vanilla essence with it.
  • Take a bowl and spread sugar for caramelize in it and keep above direct flame. When it starts caramelize remove from flame. You can also microwave the sugar to caramelize.
  • Pour the blended mixture to the bowl with caramelized sugar and steam it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Check by dipping a knife or spoon to the center whether it is done or not. If it is done, knife comes out clear.
  • Allow it to cool and demould it to a plate and refrigerate for cooling.
Easy and delicious Caramelized Bread Pudding is ready. serve cooled.

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