Multi Banana Shake

Bananas are one of the most lovable fruit with vitamins and nutrients. Daily intake of banana brings many advantages to our body especially little ones. But kids may refuse to eat it. But most kids loves juice especially if they have chocolaty taste. Here comes such a delicious shake with banana flavored with cocoa powder and are rich in cashews.

Multi Banana Shake


  1. Cold milk:1 cup
  2. Small banana: 2-3
  3. Condensed milk: 1 tbs
  4. Cocoa powder: 1 tsp
  5. Crushed cashew : 1 tbs

  • Blend banana pieces with cold milk and condensed milk. You can use sugar instead of condensed milk.
  • Mix crushed cashew with the shake by reserving little .
  • Now take half of blended shake in a bowl and mix other half with cocoa powder.
  • Now pour the cocoa mixed shake to a glass and pour the other over it.
  • You can also layer two flavors with a middle layer of cashew pieces.
  • Here i just poured but didn't mixed, so brings a mixed color.
Lovely multi banana shake is ready, serve chilled

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