Prolin Pastry / Cake

Pastries or cakes are lovely soft and sweet snack available in different flavors and varieties Most of us especially our little ones are fond of it. Here comes a lovely soft pastry recipe with prolin flavor. Simple sweet and soft cakes are prepared and are then flavored with a lovely combination of caramelized sugar and cashew. For more cake recipes click on Cakes. You can use butter icing instead of whipped cream used here.


  1. Egg: 3
  2. All purpose flour: 1 cup
  3. Sugar: 1 cup
  4. Baking powder: 1/2 tsp
  5. Milk: 1/2 cup
  6. Oil: 1/2 cup
  7. Vanilla essence: 1 tsp
For flavoring / topping

  1. Whipping cream powder : 2 sacchet
  2. Milk: 1 cup
  3. Vanilla essence: 1/2 tsp
  4. Sugar: 100 g
  5. Cashew: 100 g
  6. Thick sugar syrup: 1/4 cup

  • Beat eggs till they foams well using an egg beater.
  • Now add sugar and beat again till it combines with egg and foams.
  • Then add oil, milk, vanilla essence and again beat till they combines.
  • Sift mix baking powder and all purpose flour and fold it with egg mixture without forming any lump.
  • Pour it to a greased baking tray and bake at 180 degree for 20-30 minutes.
  • Or you can use your own white sponge cake for preparing Prolin pastry.
  • Beat whipping cream powder with 1 cup cold water and vanilla essence till they become smooth and fluffy. You can also use ready-made whipping cream instead of powder.
  • Keep the cream refrigerated till everything is ready.
  • Now caramelize sugar and then add cashew and mix well.
  • Pour it to a greased tray and allow it to cool.
  • When it cools, it thickens and forms glass crystal like structure.
  • Remove it from tray and crush it into powder. It is prolin powder.
Arrangement of cake

  • Cut the cake into two part.
  • Place first part in a tray or plate, pour some sugar syrup throughout the cake.
  • Layer it with little whipped cream and sprinkle some prolin powder.
  • Place the second part of cake over it, wet it with sugar syrup.
  • Spread whipped cream throughout the cake. You can make any decoration of your choice.
  • Spread the prolin powder all over the cake.
  • Refrigerate the cake for 1-2 hours.
Delicious prolin pastry is ready. Cut like pastries and serve.


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