Icy Watermelon Shake

Watermelon is a lovely and water rich seasonal fruit which have a rich nutritious package. It contains more water, thus it is healthy and good to consume especially during hot summer. We loves to drink shakes or juices to releasing tiredness due to hot and bring coolness to body. Here comes a delicious shake with iced watermelon. We first cut the watermelon flesh into small cubes  removing seeds and are then freezed for 1 hour to get frozen. These are used for preparing shake.

Icy Watermelon Shake
  1. Water melon cubes: 3 cup
  2. Milk: 3/4-1 cup
  3. Sugar: 2 tbs
  1. Cut the water melon flesh into small cubes without seeds and are kept in freezer for atleast 1 hour to get frozen.
  2. Add 2 cups of frozen water in a juicer jar and blend along with milk and segar to a smooth shake.
  3. Adjust sugar to your taste.
  4. Pour it to 3/4th of glass and fill it with reserved frozen watermelon cubes.
    Mouthwatering Watermelon shake with frozen watermelon cubes are ready. Serve fresh for better taste.


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